För första gången i historien börjar mänskligheten knytas samman på riktigt. Det påverkar oss på djupet.
Det här är en podcast för sökare och för människor intresserade av mänskligt liv som länge följt nyheterna med en tilltagande känsla av tomhet. Den är ett försök att finna svar på de löjligt stora frågorna: Vilka är vi? Varifrån kommer vi? Vart är vi på väg? Pretentiöst? Utan tvekan.
Podden är engelskspråkig. Nya ordinarie avsnitt publiceras ungefär två gånger i månaden. De kompletteras då och då med vloggar och andra videoberättelser. För den mest heltäckande upplevelsen ska du söka upp Mind the Shift på Youtube. Du kan också hitta alla ordinarie avsnitt på de vanliga podd-plattformarna: Anchor, Apple/Itunes, Spotify, Google, Overcast, Breaker, PocketCasts, RadioPublic
De senaste avsnitten
For the first time in history, all of humanity is interconnected. Imagine the impact of that.
This is a podcast for social geeks and seekers who watch the news with a gnawing feeling of emptiness. It is an attempt to find answers to the most ridiculously big questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
Pretentious? You bet.
For full experience: youtube.com/c/MindtheShift
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=46828009
Paypal https://paypal.me/andersbolling?country.x=SE&locale.x=sv_SE
When French filmmaker Anthony Chene first came across a story about a near death experience it clicked. It immediately made sense to him, even though he didn’t grow up in a spiritual home. He wasn’t even sure what a psychic was. But NDEs seemed right.
“Yes, it was this world that didn’t make sense. I was in finance, but I barely made any money. I didn’t fit anywhere”, Anthony says.
“The idea that this physical world is a tiny part and there are other dimensions beyond the five senses – of course it’s like that.”
He suddenly remembered that he had these insights as a child. He remembered that he used to think that every human being could become God by activating something inside.
This was a turning point. Anthony was 28 years old and had just begun a mainstream business career, but now he embarked on a completely new journey, documenting spiritual experiences.
“I couldn't go back. It was sad, I really wanted to fit in, it felt like a failure. But I couldn't,
It was either this, or I would collapse”, he says.
The universe planted another idea in his mind, that he must make these videos in English, in the US.
“I asked my guides, why? I’m French, I don't even have a work permit in the US.”
“But I did it. I went to the US to interview people, again and again.”
Anthony thinks it is easier to talk about these topics in English-speaking countries than in France.
“The problem is mainly Paris. I live in the south, and it’s easier there. It’s a little bit more open and spiritual. But in Paris it’s all about the analytical mind.”
He has noted that things are changing, however, even in the materialist hub of the French revolution.
Anthony’s latest, and biggest, project is the recently released NDE documentary ‘Renaissance’, featuring three near death experiencers and three experts on the subject.
There is no doubt in Anthony’s mind that consciousness is independent of the brain.
“We are all connected. A higher version of us, not the mind, is projecting this reality. My higher self is projecting you right now, and your higher self is projecting me”, he says.
In ancient spiritual texts, this reality is often called a dream. In modern times it has been referred to as a matrix, and nowadays it’s popular among spiritually oriented people to talk about a simulation. In Anthony’s mind, all these analogies describe the same thing.
“It’s a simulation, but our higher selves planned it before we came here, I think. It’s a simulation with certain checkpoints.”
People often say they have a hard time finding out what their purpose is, what they are supposed to do.
“But you do know. Deep down you know. Just show up in faith and do what you have to do. It’s very simple. But I have to tell myself that sometimes, too.”
Anthony believes we live in crucial times. Things are going to change a lot In the next few years, and very deeply so, he thinks.
“Time is speeding up. We are approaching a zero point. Time is going to reset. And it will happen before 2030, I think. But it won’t be the end of the world. It will be the same world, but at the same time very different.”
Powerful structures try to suppress knowledge about the afterlife and the true nature of reality. But they will not succeed, according to Anthony.
No, it’s pointless. It's only short term. Who we are is not affected by that.
Anthony’s website
Anthony’s Youtube channel
'Renaissance' on Gaia TV
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